Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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Dirty Hands

We all probably know what it is like to get our hands dirty sometimes. Whether we are planting flowers in our gardens, fixing our vehicles or just making mud pies with our children, there is…

| CEO in the News

Hot Enough For Ya?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (where I presume it’s cooler), you can’t miss the fact that the nation is experiencing an epic heat wave. It seems that every year the news media commits…

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Roll The Dice

We’ve all had those people in our lives, those that took a chance on us. Thanks to them for rolling the dice. With eight years combined at NW Bell and US WEST, including three years as a CO Tech, I…

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I’m a soldier…it’s been a while since I served, but I’m still a soldier. I was reading about the D-Day invasion and how the men overcame their personal fears to do some truly extraordinary things. I…

| CEO in the News

Independent of Motherly Advice?

A mother’s advice to her daughter: “Cook a man a fish, and you feed him for a day… But teach a man to fish, and you get rid of him for the whole weekend.” Mothers can get a bad rap when it comes to…

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As I was on final approach to the airport last night, I looked out my window (I usually sit on the aisle, but today I picked a window seat). I noticed from 10,000 ft. that the western part of my…
