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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

Delivering the most scalable fiber management platform in the industry, Clearfield ensures your investment in capital equipment grows alongside your take rates. With Clearfield, deployments are quicker, required inventories are reduced and technical training is virtually eliminated.

The key to this promise: Clearview® Blue, Clearview Black and the Clearview xPAK — the central building blocks of every element of the FieldSmart® product portfolio.

The small footprint of the Clearview Blue design minimizes space requirements thereby reducing the cost of deployment. Integrated slack management and cable routing provides for superior performance with minimal risk of fiber damage. Backwards compatible to the entire FieldSmart product line of fiber management enclosures, Clearview Blue’s multiple buffertube route paths, increased from two to six for cable entry, allow the technician a high degree of flexibility in its deployment.

Clearview Black incorporates the same flexibility and scalability of the Clearview Blue in a 50% smaller footprint. Reducing the overall footprint of the fiber management element reduces real-estate costs and improves density without compromising critical design elements of access, bend-radius protection, physical fiber protection and route-path diversity.

Engineered to land small port count fiber assemblies and optical components as conveniently and inexpensively as possible, the Clearview xPAK simplifies fiber management to the level of a consumable good. Clearview xPAK unfolds to a flat, single-piece element in which all required components for fiber protection are integrated. The Clearview xPAK is a small footprint 2, 4, or 6-port cassette.

With Clearview, the rules of fiber management have changed. No more does the service provider need to consider fiber management within the network layout—it’s already built into the solution.

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