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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

FiberDeep® Cable Assemblies guarantees .2dB or less insertion loss on every singlemode patch cord and 12-fiber assembly deployed within the Clearview® Cassette. No longer considered a commodity in today’s cable plant, 5G networks require superior performance standards – and Clearfield delivers fiber connectivity products to ensure consistent reliability.

No matter what kind of traffic your network carries, the success of your business comes down to the quality of your cable plant.

Available on every singlemode patch cord and 12 fiber assembly deployed within the Clearview Cassette, Fiber Deep improves your fiber network’s performance while reducing the cost of deployment. Clearfield offers cable assemblies in custom and standard lengths, ranging from simple multimode and singlemode patch cords, to some of the most complex assemblies in inside and outside plant environments.
