Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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| CEO in the News

The Power of Saying Thanks.

I learned a long time ago that you can never underestimate the power of saying thank you. Whether it’s the acknowledgement of a family member doing something special (or even something mundane), or…

| CEO in the News

Giving Thanks

Every year, around Thanksgiving, we have a Gratefulness Party for all of our Clearfield employees and their families. And every year, I’m reminded of just how much I have to be grateful for. I am…

| CEO in the News

Get Fit for Fall

Every year, the media pummels us with messages about getting in shape for swimsuit season. I thought it might be interesting to address getting one’s business in shape for fall (and the long winter…

| CEO in the News

Dear Clearfield Customer

I wish I could address this note to each of you by name.  Unfortunately, I no longer know each of you by face (and unfortunately, was embarrassed last week when I didn’t even know one of our…

| CEO in the News

You’ve Got an Hour

October is a month marked by very noticeable changes. Fall foliage notwithstanding, one of the biggest changes happens at the end of this week: the end of Daylight Savings Time. On November 3rd, we…

| Blog

Lonely Walks

If you are one of those travelers like me, you can probably relate to this thought: The loneliest walk you can have is from the plane through the terminal and to your car. If you ever notice at…
