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Clearfield (CLFD), Fiber to Anywhere

Clearfield’s Clearview® Patch and Splice Cassette provides for in-cassette splicing. Bringing the splice inside of the cassette means major savings in deployment lead times and your CAPEX budget. How?

In a patch only network, a large percent of the time and cost of turn-up comes from the installation of a splice case and vault. The Clearview Blue Patch and Splice Cassette eliminates the need for a splice case by bringing the splice tray inside the cassette itself.

In-cassette splicing simplifies your installation, training and support. Incorporated into the Clearview Blue Cassette, this modular, scalable building block provides a unique, single architecture platform throughout the network, meaning savings are multiplied from the head end/central office all the way to the distribution point of your network.

Video thumbnail of man putting in Clearfield cassette

Video: In-Cassette Splicing

Splicing inside the cassette removes an entire point of connection.

White Paper: The Magic of In-Cassette Splicing

Making ‘Hubs with Stubs’ a Thing of the Past

Over the last 10 years, 100 million homes around the world have been passed with fiber cable that supports Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) networks. An important element of a FTTH build is the Fiber Distribution Hub (FDH) or cabinet, which houses optical splitters and distributes incoming feeder cables from the central switching office to outgoing distribution cables.

These cable are ultimately connected to a home. The FDH is generally configured with 100-foot-long stub cables to reach a location where it can be spliced to the carrier’s fiber cable. Adding any length of cable stub to an FDH cabinet adds material cost. Clearfield‘s Clearview Cassettes with in-cassette splicing eliminates the need for FDH cable stubs, thereby maximizing cost savings and making ‘hubs with stubs’ a thing of the past.

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Blog: How In-Cassette Splicing Reduces Your Costs

Optical fiber components continue to change, making the deployment of networks less expensive, simpler and quicker to deploy, and easier to maintain. In the early days of optical fiber networks, every step in the deployment of a network had some labor-intensive device that was required to complete the system.
We’ve seen huge changes that reduce the labor requirements and the space needed to deploy, while at the same time speeding up the rate of deployment. The highest cost involved in making a fiber optic network is labor - and difficulty increases that cost. By having fewer product components and using products that combine functions, you’ll find the overall network costs drop due to less complexity while keeping flexibility.
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