Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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| CEO in the News

Leading Employees Back to Loyalty and Trust

This month, I’ve been thinking about employee loyalty and motivation. It’s generally believed that recent economic conditions – which resulted in cutbacks, layoffs, losses and unease among employee…

| CEO in the News

A Business is Not a Family

This month, we’re looking at the alleged drop in employee loyalty in the US workforce. While I believe the statistical data that’s being reported – for example, reported that 76% of…

| Blog

Blink of an Eye

Everything can change in a second. I had just checked into my hotel and went back out to my car in the parking lot to head out to a customer meeting. I put my car in reverse to back out of my parking…

| CEO in the News

Is Employee Loyalty Trending Down and Out?

I read recently that employee loyalty is on the decline. One Wharton business school article, called Declining Employee Loyalty: A Casualty of the New Workplace, noted that according to MetLife’s…

| CEO in the News

Make Your Own Rules #2

Can I grow my business when so many others are shrinking? Last time, we toyed with the idea of “Why not?” In the appropriate context, it’s an excellent answer to most questions. Can I grow my business…

| Blog

Wants and Needs

In life there are wants and there are needs.  I’m always looking for more cars, guns and gold.  Do I need more cars?  I don’t think so, 5 is probably enough.  With 50 guns in the safe, I think my…
