Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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Clearfield: Why Our FieldShield 900µm Fiber Excels in the Outside Plant (OSP)

The broadband market’s general expectation of 900µm fiber is that they are all the same. They are NOT. FieldShield® StrongFiber is stronger than other 900µm fibers in the industry because it is…

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Fiber Active Cabinet

So how long have active (or powered) cabinets for telecom services been around?  Well, since there have been telecom services.  And I don’t mean smoke signals, drums and pigeons, for which there is an…

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Clearfield: Improve Your Odds Using a Fiber Optic Depth Finder

A depth finder (or fish finder) has 4 basic parts: transmitter, transducer, receiver and display. It works by sending a signal down into the water and looking for some of that energy to bounce back.…

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Clearfield: How Can We Help?

As an Application Engineer, I’ve been involved with a lot of fiber optic deployments…of all kinds. I especially enjoy seeing customers benefit from the help I can offer from my experience in telecom.…

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Clearfield®: How to Avoid a Traffic Jam

Population growth implies the increase of many things; for example, the quantity of cars in cities, the construction of houses and buildings, the deployment of public services, and the production of…

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Clearfield: Top 2 Success Factors on First Fiber Installs

You’ve just received your order from Clearfield®. Now it’s time to schedule your first-install support from Clearfield! You and your team are all probably very excited to get going, but how about we…
