Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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Head in the Clouds

The phrase “they have their head in the clouds” is sometimes taken as a derogatory description of someone. If you really think about it, it means free thinking. Someone not bound by typical limits…

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Word of Mouth

I am writing this blog from a little island off of Cancun called Isla Mujeres. A friend and coworker of mine let me know about a Cuban Restaurant that he thought I would like. We did try it and it…

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Striving for Perfection

“An unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence” – I took this from Webster. This is something that those who are driven strive for. I have come to realize that as humans, we either secretly or…

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I heard it described as a family. When I first heard it, I thought it was kind of cheesy… I’ve been with Clearfield for a couple of years now, but that was my first thought when I was told of the…

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Dirty Hands

We all probably know what it is like to get our hands dirty sometimes. Whether we are planting flowers in our gardens, fixing our vehicles or just making mud pies with our children, there is…

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Roll The Dice

We’ve all had those people in our lives, those that took a chance on us. Thanks to them for rolling the dice. With eight years combined at NW Bell and US WEST, including three years as a CO Tech, I…
