Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals


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Small, Light and Quick

After meeting with a friend, he gave me a ride in his brand-new 2014 Ford Mustang 5.0 GT. I had read in some auto magazines that of the three new pony cars that Ford, Chevy and Dodge have recently…

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One Key to Happiness

Many of us get up before sunrise and set off to work with people to accomplish a goal or produce something. What we don’t realize is that we spend more waking hours with the people that we work with…

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Network Flight Attendants

I have the opportunity to talk to many flight attendants with my business travels. These men and women do their job to make us feel comfortable on a flight, bring drinks and just make the experience…

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Would You Like Bandwidth With That?

I was sitting in coffee shop the other day that you may have heard of. They started in Seattle and they have a green round logo. That’s all I can say because I don’t want to give it away. I was…

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Shuffle the Deck

It has always been, and will always be. People get things done, not corporations. It is the people we trust to do the work. While on the road recently, I had a business meeting and I was surprised to…

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If It Isn’t Broke…

We all go through life gaining knowledge from the people that surround us. The things that we remember the most are the little sayings that people say. Usually these sayings are delivered when we’re…
