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| CEO in the News

Be Someone

Continuing in our month long discussion of strong women, Coco Chanel got me thinking. For those of you who know me personally, you know I’m not one for high fashion — so you might be surprised that…

| CEO in the News

You Can Quote Her on That.

Since we’re on the threshold of May, the month of Mother’s Day, I thought this would be a good time to focus on some interesting women. I have a little 3 x 3 inch “pocket book” entitled Women’s Wit…

| CEO in the News

Boston Strong

This week’s Boston Marathon was an inspiration to me. Last year’s bombings could have brought the country’s oldest continuous (and most prestigious) marathon to its knees. Instead, the heinous actions…

| CEO in the News

The Joy of Traveling — with Your Kids.

  Some people think traveling with children is a terrible idea. I’m here to tell you that I find it to be a highly rewarding experience. I’ve always taken my kids with me on vacation – from the first…

| CEO in the News

My (Access) Hollywood Moment

Most people have heard about Gwyneth Paltrow and her “conscious uncoupling” from her rock star husband, Chris Martin. On the heels of that, she told E! News…

| CEO in the News

April Fools!

Warning. It’s April Fool’s Day. Every year, forgetting what day it is, I fall for some good- natured prank — usually at the hand of one of my kids or a colleague. They know I have my thoughts on…
