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Resources on Fiber Optic Products
Image of YOURx terminal


Cruzio Internet/Santa Cruz Fiber's mission is to give smaller California communities the same very high-quality “internet for the future” that urban areas expect.

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Long Lines

Long Lines Broadband Experiences Faster Fiber-Fed Deployments Using Plug-and-Play, Integrated Slack Storage Solution from Clearfield

Clearfield fiber product


Cerento Deploys Fiber Solution in 50% Less Time with YOURx-Terminal and FieldShield FLATdrop from Clearfield



IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center Strengthens Ties to Ghostly Particles By Using Ruggedized Fiber Jumpers from Clearfield

Lincoln Telephone

Lincoln Telephone

Lincoln Telephone Doubles Its Speed of Home Connections Per Day with the Simplicity of the YOURx-TAP and FieldShield FLATdrop from Clearfield



Midco Speeds Fiber-Fed Deployments with FieldShield Pushable Fiber and Microduct and FieldSmart Fiber Panel from Clearfield
