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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

I had the honor of having a dad that liked tools. He worked on his cars, our home and most of our friends’ things.

This gave me a passion for tools too. During my life, I have been able to do most of the same projects that my dad did and it made me realize just how important tools can be, and that having the right tool for the job was equally as important as knowing what to do.

That led me to acquire quite a collection of my own tools. I have tools for fixing wiring, plumbing, cars, boats, telephone systems, water wells, irrigation and septic systems too. (You haven’t really lived until you fix an electronic telephone system in the morning and a sewer in the afternoon.) What this taught me was that by having the right equipment for the job, fixing something can be a pleasant experience. Not having them can turn a task into a nightmare.

We look at things the same way here at Clearfield, and we will likely have the right equipment for your specific situation. Now I’m not saying that we have what you need for pulling a submersible pump out of your well, (stop by my house, they are in the rafters of the garage on the left)…but we do have a variety of tools to make your network more reliable and secure. We have the products to make deploying that network a simple task instead of a nightmare too. Everything from the Clearview Cassette, to FieldShield Microduct and Ruggedized Fiber, to our pushable, pre-connectorized drops that can be used to with our larger components like cabinets and wall boxes, pole and pedestal mounted boxes too. They all build on a basic principle of having the right tools in your toolbox to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Take a look at Clearfield and then talk to one of our representatives to see if we can help you with your job by applying some of the tools in our toolbox.

By Scot Bohaychyk
