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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

By Jim Pilgrim

I’ve been on the road 4 days and my right foot is getting heavy. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out on the road and meeting with you all, my customers and friends. But when I’m on the return trip and my car is headed back to the North Country, that speedometer rides a little farther to the right and my heart rate goes up a bit. When I’m headed home, I put my right foot down.

The Greek word Thumos means “spiritedness” or “instinctive human drive”. So many of you out there across America demonstrate that characteristic every day. You have overcome uncertainty and change, and continue to build state of the art fiber networks to serve your customers. Given the state of the economy and uncertain regulatory conditions, that takes some guts.

I’m proud to help you build those networks. Let’s all keep our right foot on the gas pedal!
