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The Mother-Child Connection Never Does.

My mom earned a college degree in 1959 -- something unusual at the time, especially in that she wasn’t a nurse or a traditional teacher. As a home economist, she worked for the University of Minnesota County Extension Service, working with rural women and children.

My mother worked outside the home for only a few years. When I came around, she became a full-time mom and farmer’s wife. She never demonstrated any regret for that decision. But now, more than 50 years later, I still meet people who talk about how good she was in that position with the U.

Mom was the kind of woman who made sure our needs came first. She certainly has been a hard role model to live up to, but I took a different path. Now, with my children in college, grad school, and working in their chosen professions, their needs are much different than when I was a working Mom with pre-schoolers. I remember how insecure I felt when my daughter’s first word was in German (which is what her nanny spoke) rather than English. But, I soon learned that my daughter had many people who loved her because of my choices.

When I got remarried, motherhood took another twist: two phenomenal step-children. Our toast at the wedding was “Blended is splendid,” and it couldn’t be more accurate.

I’m not a Grandmom yet. But as my Grandma taught me -- and now as my Mom (who is “Nana” to my kids) demonstrates -- grandparents and parents both love their children and grandchildren unconditionally. It’s just that grandparents have the freedom to show it more easily. Unconditional love – to me, that’s the most wonderful description of the feeling that envelopes me when I think of my Mom and Grandma, and now my four kids as well.

How does this relate to optical fiber? Maybe it doesn’t. But in this day of instant communication, if you do nothing more than text your Mom a “Happy Mother’s Day,” we will have used our Broadband network for a greater purpose. That is: to keep in touch with those who have made such a difference in making this world a better place to be.

By Cheri BeranekCheri Beranek Clearfield, Inc. President and CEO

A founding member of Clearfield, Inc., Cheri Beranek is considered a communications visionary. Her extensive leadership experience and unique management style combined deliver outstanding corporate performance.

Under her direction, Clearfield has recorded 10 consecutive years of profitability and posted historic gains in both the market capitalization and shareholder equity. Today, Clearfield is a multinational business with more than 250 employees and over 700 customers.
