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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

By Jim Pilgrim

Have you seen the Dow Corporation commercial? It talks about the Human Element of their company. The commercial portrays the human affects that this Science and Technology company has on people around the world. They even created an element symbol, ala, Periodic Table of Elements, (Hu) Human.

I was having a conversation with the General Manager of a Telephone Company in North Dakota. They offer triple-play services over new FTTH networks in four of their exchanges. He told me that a lot of the trouble calls they get from their customers are related to questions and issues with their customer’s equipment, like computers, and televisions.

One particular story was about an elderly lady whose grandson had visited for the day and had hooked up his Playstation to her TV. When her grandson left she couldn’t get her TV to work. The Telephone Company sent one of their technicians out and it was just a simple input source change on the TV that fixed her problem.

It has been and will always be people that make the difference. Patient, competent, caring employees add that Human Element to a corporation no matter what they make, sell, or fix.
