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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (where I presume it’s cooler), you can’t miss the fact that the nation is experiencing an epic heat wave. It seems that every year the news media commits mammoth amounts of airtime and print space to this weather phenomenon and the fact that it can be highly dangerous if you don’t protect yourself from the elements.

Therefore, I feel it’s my civic duty to point out that just as hot temps make us wilt, it can have the same effect on fiber cable.

For this reason, Clearfield developed Ruggedized OSP Jumpers that don’t sag under the most extreme conditions. (They remain flexible and durable in external temperature extremes up to +185° F.) We have customers all over the globe who swear by this product as it eliminates DBA loss in optical performance attributed to major temperature fluctuations.

Soon enough, we’ll be watching and reading the news stories on blinding snow and blistering cold. (We’ve got you covered there too – down to -67° F!) Until then, here’s another way to enjoy this “Heatwave” — courtesy of Martha & The Vandellas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE2fnYpwrng
