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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

By Jim Pilgrim

I recently traveled to South Dakota to play some golf with a friend of mine. The day before, I checked the weather forecast and it said a “high of 70 and breezy”. Hey, that sounded pretty good. When I got to the course in the central part of the state that afternoon, they had the temperature right, but breezy? It was 25 mph sustained and 40 mph gusts. Limbs were flying off trees! The last several times I played, I had been feeling pretty good about my game with consistent, personal low round scores (5-6 over par). Any thoughts I had of playing on the Senior PGA tour in a few years evaporated, or should I say were blown away after my round in the South Dakota hurricane! Breezy? That “spin” word reminds me of our government when they release statistics. “Hey, first time claims for unemployment dropped by 40,000 last week to 405,000.” Talk about spin: dropped 40,000, but what about the 405,000?

Don’t try to sugar coat it. Just tell me like it is. I promise if you ask me if our Clearfield products will or won’t do something, I will tell you straight-up, with no spin. Spin it and there is no faster way to lose credibility in business.
