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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

By Tom Warren

We are starting to see a large uptick in sales of Passive CWDM and DWMD products. These products are truly revolutionary and have the capability of saving our customers millions of dollars in new construction dollars. Imagine if you were able to suddenly make the congested two lane route that you drive to work into a sixteen lane super highway without having to tear up the existing road or add more blacktop. That is what CWDM’s are capable of doing. By simply installing the appropriate SFP’s and passive devices at each end of the fiber, CWDM technology can provide 8 times the capacity and DWDM’s can provide 40X the capacity of the existing network. With the existence of 1310, test and upgrade ports, there is essentially a solution for every scenario.

Whether the components are being used in fiber exhaust for Telco applications, cell backhaul or business services, these devices are definitely going to become commonplace. Wouldn’t it be nice if every problem was this easy to solve?
