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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

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We get a lot of feedback on our products, processes and overall performance. But the comment we seem to get most often is: “You have the best people!” As you might imagine, this is a great source of pride for us.

With that in mind, this is the first in a series of ClearViews on some of our best people. We won’t be able to get to all of them, of course. That would take more time than any of us have.

Like Noah, we’re going to take them two by two. This should give you a little perspective on the diversity and uniqueness of individuals that ultimately unites us as a company.

We’re starting with two men who work in our application engineering group. On paper, they may appear to be as different as two application engineers can be. (As different, for example, as their respective hometown sports teams.) In reality, their similarities far-outweigh their differences.

Based out of Cincinnati, Brian heads up our Application Engineering Group, and has been part of our team for five years. Pedro came on board a year ago to oversee the application engineering function for the CALA (Central and Latin America) market. Each has more than 20 years of experience in this highly specialized discipline. And each is outstanding in his field.

There is a language difference, but it’s not a barrier. Brian said, “We may speak different languages, but we both are fluent in the the international language of application engineering. Fiber networks are essentially the same everywhere, with the same characteristics, traits and problems to be solved.”

Both Pedro and Brian are very much in concert about the Clearfield culture. They pointed out, with clear pride, the company’s core values:

  • Listen
  • Recognize
  • Understand
  • Collaborate
  • Deliver
  • Celebrate

Pedro said, “It helps us to focus on customers’ needs, first, over our own business goals. It shifts our thinking to providing the best solutions for them. When you move from a financial focus to a technical solution focus, customer see that you are working for them.”

Brian concurred. “We value our customers very highly. And not just senior management. We spend a lot of time out in the trenches with cable splicers in regional garages, for example, so we fully grasp what their needs are.”

While Clearfield’s commitment to customers and product innovation is well known stateside, we’re still growing in some international regions. Pedro noted that Clearfield doesn’t have a deep history in the CALA region, but our presence is gaining traction. “Clearfield is becoming known here because of our excellent products and the support we provide. Our customers can do a better job with Clearfield.” This, he said, is leading to widespread acceptance in Panama, where he resides and throughout the Region. 

In the end, they agreed that Clearfield’s innovative products may capture the headlines, but the real measure of success is people. Brian calls it a People Legacy. “People go through life wanting to be known for building bridges, buildings, monuments, etc. But I believe we’re going to be known for our people legacy. The people we collect along the way are what really matter.”

With value terms like Listen, Recognize, Understand, Collaborate, Deliver and Celebrate, clearly this is a highly people-centric company. “That’s why I joined Clearfield,” Brian said. “I wanted to work with a company where my voice could be heard and I could make a contribution. Having a positive impact on people means a lot to me. Affecting lives and empowering others with knowledge that will change their lives is what it’s all about.”

Pedro echoes this sentiment. “My favorite thing about my job is applying my engineering knowledge to help solve customers’ problems.”

They may be in different countries. But they’re much more alike than they are different.
