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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

By Jim Pilgrim

I have very few, none of them professional athletes. Not one on TV or radio. Each one has a characteristic I admire and strive to emulate. Here are 5 individuals that inspire me every day.

My Dad (Hard Work) he grew up during the Depression, farmed with horses, and with an 8th grade education and an iron work ethic, raised a family of 5. Once when I was fixing something on my car, he asked “where did you learn to do that?” I said “you taught me”. You taught me more than you could ever know.

My Mom (Knowledge) she taught me the value of education and to never stop learning. She instilled in me her love of reading and interest in politics. Even though her political heart is left-of-center and mine right, we have great conversations, keep open minds and sometimes have to agree to disagree. And that’s OK. Thanks Mom.

My Daughter (Jamie) (Boldness) her instincts and intuition are crystal, and she is never afraid to speak her mind. You can imagine that in our current world of political-correctness that has not been absent of challenges, but history favors the bold. When was the last time you read about anyone in the history books that was timid?

My Daughter (Stephanie) (Dedication) after tearing the Plantar Fascia in her foot in the National Basketball Tournament quarter final game last season, she came back a game later to score 20 pts with 6-3 point shots to lead the team to 3rd Place. She is back at it in her sophomore season in college. 5am practices and running on that injury is like running on broken glass. Always the first to practice and the last to leave the weight room.

My Friend (S.T.) (Attitude) diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in his early 40s, this runner is a picture of health. I have had many lunch meetings with him and you wouldn’t even know when he injects the insulin before a meal. When we have discussed this chronic condition, he has told me that “God never gives you more than you can handle” and always is thankful for the early diagnosis and feels great empathy for the small children that suffer with this disease. Never a complaint heard or sympathy sought.

Gnarls Barkley sings a song called “Crazy”. 2 lines in it I hear clearly and understand. “My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb. And all I remember is thinking I want to be like them.”
