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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

Image of a group of people on their cell phones

Were you aware that July is “Cell Phone Courtesy Month?” If not, you were probably just distracted by your phone. According to Pew Research, the vast majority of Americans – 95% – now own a cellphone of some kind. (The number of Americans who own smart phones has risen from 35% to 77% since 2011.)

Cell phones are understandably heralded as one of the most important innovations of the 20th Century – if not the most important. I’ll admit, I have a love/hate relationship with them.

From a business perspective, there’s no question that cell phones are important to Clearfield. (We design, manufacture and distribute fiber optic management products that help service providers deliver mobile, residential and business services to their customers.)  Professionally, cell phones can tether us to the office – making us accessible 24/7, and therefore unable to get away.  But they also give us the freedom to move around the world – granting us connectivity and fluid customer access for rapid, uninterrupted progress.

Personally, I am endlessly frustrated seeing my husband and kids with their noses buried in their phones. On the flip side, though, I am endlessly enamored with the source of connection that a daily Snapchat from my kids offers me. 

I know that I am among the worst offenders of some of the following pet peeves, but I am going to spend the month of August trying to following these etiquette tips:

  • Please don’t check your phone constantly when we’re in a meeting. Like the old adage goes, “Dance with the one that brung ya.” (In other words, concentrate on the people you are with.)
  • Set your cell phone to silent or vibrate when you’re in a meeting, a movie, a restaurant or a place of worship. Otherwise, people are permitted to throw popcorn, dinner rolls and hymnals at offending parties.
  • Avoid “Cell Yell!” Adjust your phone’s volume control so you can talk at normal conversational levels. If you’re a natural shouter, please adjust your verbal volume control accordingly.
  • Don’t use the Cellular Crutch. I’m always suspicious of the person talking on the phone as he/she walks into a social or business function. Is there really someone on the other end of that call, or is he/she just avoiding an uncomfortable situation? Put down the phone and connect with the people around you. You’ll be amazed at what can come of it.

OK, that’s my two cents on Cell Phone Courtesy Month. Interestingly, Amelia Earhardt, electrical engineers, drive-thrus, and tequila only get a single day of recognition in July. Clearly, they need better representation.

By Cheri Beranek

Cheri Beranek Clearfield, Inc. President and CEO

A founding member of Clearfield, Inc., Cheri Beranek is considered a communications visionary. Her extensive leadership experience and unique management style combined deliver outstanding corporate performance.

Ms. Beranek was appointed Clearfield president and CEO in 2007 after having served as President of APA Enterprises’ subsidiary APA Cables & Networks. Within 15 months of her appointment, she successfully re-positioned the Company for dramatic growth. Under her direction, Clearfield has reversed 20 years of losses, recorded five consecutive years of profitability and posted historic gains in both the market capitalization and shareholder equity. Today, Clearfield is a multinational business with more than 175 employees and over 580 customers.
