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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

This blog chapter deals with the close of a major chapter in my family’s life. I lost my Dad three weeks ago. I didn’t know if I was going to be up to writing this one quite yet, but I doubt if it’s going to get much easier.

I promise to keep it short. That’s the way he would have wanted it.

This was a man who taught me that intelligence wasn’t measured by how much education you received. My Dad was the smartest person I knew – but he only had an 8th grade education.  Yet, he valued education, and paid for all three of his kids to get a college degree.

Dad never lived more than five miles from the church at which he was baptized, married and buried. But he loved to travel. Hawaii, Panama, Europe – were among his many adventures.

He never understood the technology upon which we are building Clearfield. But Dad was a mechanic – able to fix any tractor; a veterinarian -- tending to all of his animals; and an agronomist -- with his fields of corn and soybeans.

Most of all, he was a great family man and friend.  He’ll be remembered for that twinkle in his eye and smirk on his lips. More than 400 people came to pay their respects – dozens more sent cards.

Dad refused to plan his funeral – just telling us that he wanted a party after Mass.  So that’s what he got. We had great music, food, and toasts that were offered up to a life well lived.

And now I’m doing my best to treasure memories and to create a new normal without him.  But I know he’s overseeing our adventures. And, now -- with all of the foresight that comes from the Wisdom of the Ages -- he finally understands this optical fiber stuff. I’ll bet he’s chuckling and thinking, you guys haven’t seen nothing yet.

By Cheri BeranekCheri Beranek Clearfield, Inc. President and CEO

A founding member of Clearfield, Inc., Cheri Beranek is considered a communications visionary. Her extensive leadership experience and unique management style combined deliver outstanding corporate performance.

Under her direction, Clearfield has recorded 10 consecutive years of profitability and posted historic gains in both the market capitalization and shareholder equity. Today, Clearfield is a multinational business with more than 250 employees and over 700 customers.
