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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

A large carrier needed access to businesses to provide broadband services, and was running into the same problem in many locations. The existing conduit was too full to install a cable that had 4-12 SC/APC connectors fanned out. Typically this would require the engineering and construction of a new pathway, an option which is both time consuming and expensive. The Clearfield solution created a better way. Using a Clearfield pre-connectorized cable with MPO connectors on both ends, FieldShield® Microduct coupled with either the fan-out assemblies, our engineers were able to get into existing conduit structures that were previously unavailable. The small footprint of the MPO allowed for it to be placed into a nearly completely full conduit, while still providing the protection and unique pathway that the fiber requires. This space saving option allows for future replacement or upgrades without further infrastructure builds.

How did Clearfield benefit the customer?

  • By utilizing existing conduit space the need for additional engineering and fiber pathway construction was avoided.
  • By listening and responding to the customer’s need Clearfield could eliminate costly construction costs and safeguard against future fiber build outs.
  • This solution completely removed the need to inventory multiple custom made cables which could take weeks to build.
  • Clearfield’s scalable and modular product line makes changes to the fiber infrastructure a breeze. For example, if the customer needed to go from a 6 count to 12 count, the technician could simply unplug the 4 fiber fan out and plug in the 12 fiber fan-out.
  • Utilizing the Clearfield solution the order can be worked in minutes as opposed to days.

By: Scot Bohaychyk – Product Marketing/New Markets
