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Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

Separation of electronics and passive infrastructure in a Hub Collapse architecture dramatically reduces operating costs associated with moves, adds and changes

Minneapolis (January 10, 2012) — Clearfield, Inc. ( NASDAQ : CLFD ), the specialist in fiber management and connectivity platforms for communications providers, today announced the FieldSmart Hub Collapse Cabinet (HCC). The FieldSmart HCC is designed for the cable operator looking to separate their passive infrastructure from the electronics without the need for a traditional, and expensive, standard hub architecture.

“The movement in today’s MSO networks is to collapse the hub and move the electronics and fiber closer to the user in order to improve bandwidth and performance,” explains Johnny Hill, Clearfield chief operating officer. “Innovative solutions, such as the O-Hub or V-Hub, accomplish this goal but group the electronics and fiber together in an aerial mount environment.  This introduces risk to the electronics – as Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC) required at the physical layer are done alongside the electronics. In addition, the cost of the MAC has skyrocked as it now must be done with a boom truck or other aerial mount device.”

“The FieldSmart HCC is designed to reduce cost and risk,” continues Hill. “It is easily pole mounted near the O-Hub or V-Hub device, so that all MAC work is done on the ground, dramatically lowering its cost. In addition, the electronics remain deployed near the neighborhood where the bandwidth is required, but is no longer at risk due to craftperson access.”

“Our customers are finding this solution is like having your cake – and eating it too.  The bandwidth expansion and functionality of our O-Hub is easily integrated into the network – extending its performance and customer satisfaction. And with the addition of the Clearfield solution, the O-Hub electronics are secure while MAC work costs are contained.”

More about the Product

The Fieldsmart Hub Collapse Cabinet provides a centralized location that can house both optical components and fiber terminations, making it an ideal solution for service providers looking to maximize the existing fibers within their network. With its small footprint (16” L x 16” W x 32” H), real estate costs can be minimized with a multiple variety of mounting options (pole, pad, or vault mount). Fiber management is centralized and protected from environmental concerns. Designed to accomodate up to 120 fiber terminations using Clearfield’s Clearview Cassette, the HCC also allows for up to 32 LGX compatible CWDM/DWDM modules to utilize existing optical components in the network. Fiber management and designation has been designed into the HCC for ease of use and accessibility.

Shipping and Availability

The product is now shipping and available from Clearfield and it’s network of distribution partners. For additional information as well as a video demonstration of the product, go to www.FiberPuzzle.com

 A bout Clearfield, Inc. 

Clearfield, Inc. ( NASDAQ : CLFD ) designs, manufactures and distributes fiber optic management products for the communications networks of leading ILECS , CLEC s, MSO /cable TV companies and mobile broadband providers. We help service providers solve the Fiber Puzzle, which is how to reduce high costs associated with deploying, managing, protecting and scaling a fiber optic network to deliver the mobile, residential and business services customers want. Based on the patented Clearview™ Cassette, our unique single-architected, modular fiber management platform is designed to lower the cost of broadband deployment and maintenance by consolidating, protecting and distributing incoming and outgoing fiber circuits and enable our customers to scale their operations as their subscriber revenues increase. Headquartered in Plymouth, MN, Clearfield deploys millions of fiber ports each year throughout North America.
